05:39 珍しく平日に家にいる飼い主にどこへ行ってもついていくカワウソ Otter attached to owner who is unusually at home on a weekday 4.4K | 2 years ago
05:27 飼い主を好きすぎるカワウソに、好きをお返しした! otter who likes her owner too much, and she likes her back! 3.1K | 2 years ago
04:28 カワウソの運動量に毎日付き合う(付き合ってもらってる?)飼い主 Owner deal with the daily exercise of an otter. 4.7K | 2 years ago
04:45 本物そっくりすぎる食品サンプルに疑惑を隠せないカワウソ猫 Otter and cat can’t hide their suspicions about food samples 2.7K | 2 years ago
03:54 無許可で食卓に登ったので注意を受けるカワウソ Otter receives a warning for climbing on the table without permission 1.3K | 2 years ago
04:51 笑いが止まらない、カワウソの飼い主への抱きつき方!w I can’t stop laughing, the way the otter hugs its owner! 1.8K | 2 years ago
02:52 犬2匹猫2匹飼ってる友人が来たときのカワウソの反応がすご過ぎた Otter’s reaction when a friend who has 2 dogs and 2 cats comes over. 1.4K | 2 years ago
04:39 お気に入りの豚がいつの間にかすり替わっているカワウソ otter whose favorite pig has been replaced before you know it. 2.1K | 2 years ago
05:39 旬のシマアジをカワウソにあげたら歴代最速記録が出た! I fed the striped jack to the otters and they ate them way too fast! 4.8K | 2 years ago
04:33 ドアップで近づいて、カワウソ特有の特徴を観察してみた! I got closer and observed the unique features of the otter! 4.9K | 2 years ago