08:31 鶏肉から鶏肉をもらったカワウソと猫だったが、鶏肉をしばき始めた otter and cat gets a chicken messes up the chicken! 2.9K | 2 years ago
05:25 カワウソにカワウソと同じ鳴き声だすものをプレゼントしてみた I gave an otter something that makes the same sound as an otter. 4.3K | 2 years ago
05:28 わずかなスペースの飼い主の足を寝床にするため支度を始めるカワウソ otter prepares to sleep on owner’s leg, which has very little space 3.5K | 2 years ago
03:44 ずっと待ってた飼い主が帰ってきたのにツンデレな反応を見せるカワウソ otter reacts to its owner’s return after a long wait 3.9K | 2 years ago
05:29 飼い主の膝上だけでこれから生活していくことにしたカワウソ otter that decided to live only on its owner’s lap from now on. 592 | 2 years ago
04:25 寝っ転がってポテチ食べるおっさんのようなカワウソを冷ややかに見る猫 cat looks coldly at otter that sloppily lies down to eat 917 | 2 years ago
04:38 リモート会議中パソコンの前を通る猫と陣取るカワウソ cat and otter walk past computer during a remote meeting. 4.8K | 2 years ago
07:39 カワウソと「わんこそば」ならぬ「わんこチキン」やったら大はしゃぎだった I played wanko chicken with an otter and he was so excited. 2.2K | 2 years ago
04:28 カワウソの運動量に毎日付き合う(付き合ってもらってる?)飼い主 Owner deal with the daily exercise of an otter. 4.7K | 2 years ago
05:27 飼い主を好きすぎるカワウソに、好きをお返しした! otter who likes her owner too much, and she likes her back! 3.1K | 2 years ago
04:33 ドアップで近づいて、カワウソ特有の特徴を観察してみた! I got closer and observed the unique features of the otter! 4.9K | 2 years ago